IORG Marketing Resources

IORG gets many requests for logos & insognias related to the IORG programs and services. Over the years we have compiled quite a collection to satisfy these needs. We now make these collections available to anyone who may need them in a convenient gallery.

Under no circumstances may third party vendors (those outside of the organization who sell for personal profit) use any part or parts of the visual identity of IORG for self promotion or any forms of financial growth. The vendor must obtain a written approval from the Executive Committee prior to promoting or selling anything.

If you are looking for an logo that isn’t below or a different styling or file format of one of the logos, please contact us.

Click on one of the logos to download high-quality images in multiple formats.

Visit our Shared Drive for even more information and files on our IORG Marketing Resources.



The above logo should be used on all material related to IORG in Connecticut.


These posters should be displayed wherever rainbow events are happening as well as in the local community.


This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.